Documentation of the duo performance “兩位呀! 唔該! Table for Two” by Jing Pang & BBB Johannes Deimling, performed at Furnace, Hong Kong 2024.
with photographs by Monika Deimling

“I don’t know how it happened, but it did.”
Sound composition, 10:51 minutes
Part #7 of the work cycle “MYSTERIOUS BARRICADES”, 2024

11 – 12 January 2025
“Body & Space”, performance art workshop, OFF Theater, Neuss, Germany
17 January 2025, 19:30
“MYSTERIOUS BARRICADES #8”, Kartoffel Gallery, Dresden, Germany
21 – 23 January 2025
Performance & Workshop, AKTOMAR, Teatr KTO, Krakow, Poland
23 – 31 January 2025
“The Dance of the Receptors” screening, VIDEO ART MIDEN, Visualcontainer [.BOX], Milan, Italy

I invite you to visit the PAS | Performance Art Studies website for further information and registration for the next courses.
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“I founded PAS | Performance Art Studies with the vision of creating an independent and free space for exploring the practice, theory and philosophy of performance art. PAS is an independent art and education project with an organic structure that is flexible and can respond to new trends in art, education and society. The artistic process is the center of all activities. The project structure in the form of artistic research studies is very closely related to the essence of performance art rooted in visual arts. The exchange of research, experience and knowledge as well as the exchange with other art forms is the vision of PAS and aims to create an international network of artists, teachers, professors and students.”

Quote by BBB Johannes Deimling, baked into cookie letters by Ola Kozioł.
“I realised my first public performance in 1988. Since this incisive experience, performance art has been an essential part of my artistic research. In my universe, performance art is deeply rooted in the visual arts. With this understanding, I created the term “Agierte Bilder (enacted images)” to describe my performance works that create images through action with material. Using the collage technique, I combine several images and create complex, ephemeral visual moments. I assemble these dense action collages into work cycles. The cycles, which can extend over several years, are enhanced by photo series, works on paper, texts, videos, art films and larger performance productions.
Since 1997, I have invested a large part of this research in the mediation of performance art processes. Performance education is an integral part of my artistic work.”
[BBB Johannes Deimling]
“IN THE WORKS”, publication, 106 pages, documentation of performance art works by BBB Johannes Deimling 2010 -2022.