I have been working with the concept of the “visual choir” since 2016. I create visual, choreographic performance situations in which I work with an ensemble of interested people. “COLORBLIND” uses a simple structure by equating all members of the ensemble, creating a complex visual outcome. It is a flexible site-specific performance. The movement and action sequences of the white figures are purely formal and relate to the context of the site where the performance takes place. These performances are characterised by the fact that the movement and action sequences are not rehearsed before the public presentation, but are merely discussed within the group. The concentrated attention of the performers gives the performances their visual, poetic power.”
Leipzig, Germany 2017
The performance was part of the Blauverschiebung Performance Art Festival, organized by Galerie KUB and was presented at the Museum for contemporary art in Leipzig.
Special thanks to: Franziska Eißner, Christian Liefke, Monika Deimling, Nastasia Hendrikje Schlötke
Camera, sound, editing: Matthias Pick
Dresden, Germany 2017
The performance was part of the international art symposium ACT.MOVE.PERFORM organized by Marie-Luise Lange and was presented at Albertinum – Staatliche Kunstsammlungen in Dresden.
Special thanks to: Ieva Savickaite, Nastasia Hendrikje Schlötke, Monika Deimling
Camera, sound, editing: Matthias Pick
Poland 2017
part of the performance cycle “It won’t always grow back”
With the friendly assistance of the students at the Liceum Plastyczne im. Piotra Potworowskiego w Poznaniu, Poznan, Poland
Special thanks to: Konrad Juściński
Camera: Monika Deimling
Sound: Matthias Pick
The “COLORBLIND” productions:
2024: “colorblind XIV”, Talent Campus, Jugend Kunstschule, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
2023: “colorblind XIII”, ECHT JETZT Performance Art Festival, Tübingen, Germany
2023: “colorblind XII”, ECHT JETZT Performance Art Festival, Reutlingen, Germany
2018: “colorblind XI”, Hygienemuseum, Dresden Germany
2017: “colorblind X”, Museum for contemporary art, Leipzig, Germany
2017: “colorblind IX”, Streitfeld Projectspace, Munich, Germany
2017: “colorblind VIII”, TJG – Theatre Young Generation, Dresden, Germany
2017: “colorblind VII”, Albertinum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, Germany
2017: “colorblind VI”, Trinitatis Kirche, Dresden, Germany
2017: “colorblind V”, Academy of Fine Art, Łódź, Poland
2017: “colorblind IV”, Bat Yam, Israel
2017: “colorblind III”, Liceum Plastyczne im. Piotra Potworowskiego w Poznaniu, Poznan, Poland
2017: “colorblind II”, HKU – Hogeschoolen for de Kunsten, Utrecht, Netherlands
2016: “colorblind I”, KiHO – National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway