The dance of the receptors #1

Video work
11:35 minutes, Germany 2021
Camera: Monika Deimling

The power of visual art

“I am doing right now something we call educational practice that is an assignment from our school. They send us to a high school or primary school to teach a class. I was lucky because I was assigned to the art lyceum. I am in the photography class that has six students. Today, I showed them two of my performances, as well as a short introduction to performance art. Then I showed them your video since I already had introduced you to them as my teacher. They are nice kids but rather skeptical and indifferent to art. They showed some increased attention when I showed them my performances. But you should have seen their faces when they saw your video. Their faces were so bright, their eyes so wide and they had broad smiles of excitement. It was unbelievable how their dull and inattentive posture had changed. When their teacher asked them, “well, what is your opinion, you are all smiling?”, one of the kids quickly responded, “because it was beautiful”. It was the most indifferent one. I was so happy for them but also for myself. Because I had just experienced one of those moments that make me enjoy art and appreciate life.

That scene where you spread blue paint around your head with the violin stick brought tears to my eyes. That was too much for me to bear. This was sublime.”

(Text by Albanian artist Burim Tafilica, 2021)

Selected screenings (selection)
2025: VERTICAL HOLD, Punch Projects, Washington, US
2025: VIDEO ART MIDEN, Visualcontainer [.BOX], Milan, Italy
2024: OTHONI, public art project, Nicosia, Cyprus
2024: SENGKUNI 6 “Transisi, UNESA – Surabaya State University, Indonesia
2024: NOTHING TO SAY, Satellite Zone, Tirana, Albania
2024: ESTAR SIENDO, Cultural Center of Real de Catorce, Mexico
2023: VIDEO ART MIDEN Festival, Kamatata, Greece
2022: FLOOR_ gallery, Seoul, Korea
2022: Drawing Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2022: Candid Art Trust, London, UK
2022: IMAF, International Multimedia Art Festival, Novi Sad, Serbien
2021: Festival Santander en Escena – Noche de Acciones, Bucaramanga, Columbia
2021: ACCIONES AL MARGEN no. 9, International Performance Festival, Bucaramanga, Columbia
2021: THE CLOUD Festival, Tirana, Albania
2021: RE-CONNECT, Prague Biennal, Prague, Czechia
2021: STARPTELPA, Performance Festival Riga, Latvia
2021: KONTAKT, Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki, Gorzów Wielkoposki, Poland
2021: OKNO, STRE!FEN Performance Art Festival, Görlitz, Germany
2021: SOS TIERRA, Arte Acción y Naturaleza, Argentina
2021: EPHEMERA, Performance Art Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

The screening situation of “The Dance of the Receptors” in Nicosia, Cyprus 2024.
Part of the public intervention series “OTHONI” curated by PASHIAS.

OTHONI – Δημόσια Παρέμβαση #4

Σαββατοκύριακο 14 & 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
“Ο χορός των αισθητήρων” από τον BBB Johannes Deimling

O BBB Johannes Deimling δημιουργεί επιτελεστικές εικόνες μέσω μιας πολυεπίπεδης γλώσσας εικόνων και αισθήσεων, δίνοντας προσοχή στο ‘τετριμμένο’ και στο ‘παράξενο’. Ένα κολλάζ από μέρη του σώματος και καθημερινά αντικείμενα, που ποικίλουν ως προς το σχήμα και τη λειτουργία τους, προβάλλει άπειρους συνδυασμούς και συνδέσεις. Σύμφωνα με τα λόγια του, “δεν έχει να κάνει με αυτό που βλέπουμε, αλλά με αυτό που δεν βλέπουμε”. Ο αισθητηριακός χορός του Deimling ανατρέπει τα προκαθορισμένα όρια της αντίληψης του δέκτη και των ερεθισμάτων που επιτρέπει στον εαυτό του να βιώσει. Αν ένα κλειδί μπορεί να ξεκλειδώσει ένα ρόδι, τότε μπορούμε και εμείς να ξεκλειδώσουμε την αντίληψή μας για τον κόσμο.

Poster for the screening of the art video as part of “KONTAKT” festival at Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki, Gorzów Wielkoposki, Poland 2021